
Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Chain Stitch Scarf

This is a closeup of the new chain stitch scarf I just made. I unraveled a white & gold ruffle scarf and added that into the mix of yarns, and that just really made the whole thing.

I took a few pictures of different ways to wrap it too...

Since I didn't join the ends, it's not an "infinity scarf" but it can be made into one if one knots the ends together, as seen on my right shoulder in the last picture. 

It's definitely warm, and definitely scratchy! I'm not sure washing it with fabric softener will take care of that either; I think it's the glitter that is making it scratchy. Well, either one lives with it or wears it on the outside of one's other garments and allows as little of it as possible to touch one's skin directly. 

But there ya go. New chain stitch scarf. 

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